Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Second episode: Trust Issues

Double edged swords, controversy, Double standards, criticism, passion, love, blah blah blah!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY

Second episode: Trust Issues
To Trust You or Not To trust You...

Now playing: The Pierces - Lights On
via FoxyTunes
Trust: –noun on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2.confident expectation of something; hope.
3.confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
4.a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
reliability. rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually fol. by in or to): to trust in another's honesty; trusting to luck. have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts. have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on. believe. expect confidently; hope (usually fol. by a clause or infinitive as object): trusting the job would soon be finished; trusting to find oil on the land. to, to rely on; trust: Never trust to luck!

Now playing: The Pierces - Boring
via FoxyTunes
Trust... So many different interpretations & definitions. So why is it that we can not fathom the idea that someone deserves our trust, our secrets. The idea that there is someone who would never betray us, loyal to a fault seems to plague my turmoiled mind. Perhaps the most logical and common reason for such a foolish notion is hope. But why hold on to something so flimsy that the wind from a sleeping child's breathe can blow it away. Do we perceive our friends as noble, loyal, loving and always truthful? Is it possible that we are wrong? Quite possibly.

I was once an idealist. Clinging too the hope that I could find such a trustworthy friend. The kind often found in novels. But as luck and fate would have it no such person exists. I have made many memorable friends many of which I would drop anything for, but selfish none the less. Always asking never giving, but really some fall out of the category of never giving (1 single friend stands out). Today I can only ramble about the facts and the personal experiences I have had.
Now playing: The Pierces - One For Me
via FoxyTunes
So why is it futile to believe in that never ending trust.... Simple really no one is willing to give their trust out blindly. One must earn it, but yet in earning that trust is nearly impossible. And how can you earn a person's trust in return when all you ever do is ask and ask and ask. I've learned to expect nothing. I trust very infrequently and when I do, it seems to be in vain. I can not be an endless savior, I am no hero, & I have no extraordinary power. I give what I can, what I have and that is not much. I've always been the reliable friend who put her life on hold although it was clearly not right for her. And yet I never thought to voice my complaints. I refuse to be the weak girl that I know I am not, I was raised with strength and overcame much. Do not ask me to turn my back and give up what is mine for your happiness I have done that too much. My advice has been sucked dry. My love has grown cold. I turn a blind eye to your struggles because you never heed our advice. You have chosen your path, and I wish you all the happiness.

(This is where many should stop reading since my rambling is done)

I have come to realize my friend that though my love for you is limitless, yours for me is not. i hope that one day you can see I love you despite your faults, I love you because of them and I don't say this to hurt you. I speak what I must for my own well being, I can not shield you from the world, from heartache that others will cause you if you cause me mine. This is not a goodbye letter this is not a see you later, this is your awakening this is your truth being spoken out loud because surely you must know me well enough to know I read this aloud as I finish each paragraph, declaring it as my truth.

Now playing: The Pierces - I Don't Need You
via FoxyTunes

I hope you don't hate me to much once you have read this since I know you well enough to know you will read this in spite of the nervous butterflies you'll get when you read the preview on myspace and realize I am pissed off at you and your childish antics. The stupid stunt you pulled today proved your lack of trust in me and unfortunately shattered my trust in you. I have always been your shield, your shoulder to cry on. The super glue that kept you and your heart together but I'm tired. What keeps me together, me strong. Who will be my shield. I trusted you unconditionally, you claimed it was the same.
Lies.... It echoes in my head.

Now playing: The Pierces - Be Alright
via FoxyTunes

My dearest friend, my confidant you have changed. Bitter feelings have washed away so much, carefree no more. My best friend, my family forgive my bluntness but it hurts to keep it locked away in a box. I've always told you, you could count on me for everything and though you may hate me for this I can no longer be that person. I never asked for praise, I've never made you choose, just always stood there while you chose them,
him... this is not about that, but you have to understand that yes you have chosen him over us all. He asked you to choose between us and him and knowing us, knowing we would never put that pressure on you never ask that of you, you chose him because he did and you feared you would loose him. You are better than he deserves I must say but I wish you your happiness, whether you choose to keep me there or not. I'm sorry

But most of all I'm sorry you don't trust me... it seems I may have been wrong to believe you did and maybe I was to quick to give that to you. I've had so much happen I thought it was a trivial matter, how wrong I was. Honestly as much as I hope you read this I hope you don't. I know what will happen if you do and I can't bare that. But I'm almost positive you will. So I ask this most cherished friend
'why? why would you attempt to fool me, knowing I know you so well? Did you care that it would hurt me when you lied to me? All those things you tried to keep from me? did my friendship mean so little to you?'

I am sorry to those of you who were expecting more from me in my first blog since the vegan/meat eaters blog I promise to update soon with the expected blog.

Until next time keep your head high, and your hearts to the sky =]
Now playing: The Pierces - Waiting
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First episode: To Eat Meat or Not To Eat Meat.....

Now playing: Porcelain & the Tramps - I'm Your Favorite Drug
via FoxyTunes

Double edged swords, controversy, Double standards, criticism, passion, love, blah blah blah!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY

^^^^<--------Did I spell that right???------->^^^^
::looks over shoulder::

First episode: To Eat Meat or Not To Eat Meat.....

***No I'm not quoting
Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Act 3, Scene 1(if you're curious)
but I digress

Now playing: Porcelain & The Tramps - King Of The World
via FoxyTunes


I was on my yearbook:

I came across a thread on Why some people don't eat meat. I'm overly curious and I already knew most the answers that would be there:
1. Inhumane
2. Cruel and/or unnecessary torture to the animals
3. They don't like meat.
And I knew most responses and replies to those answers which aren't the main point of this episode or Tippy's random rambling but here is an example of a meat eater response (meat eater not meant offensively)

"Let's put it this way. Humans are omnivores. We weren't meant to eat JUST
vegetation. Your body loses valuable nutrients from not eating meat and dairy products. Meat is really good for you (as long as it's cooked right). And think about this, what's more important...a cow, or your health? I mean, sure...I don't agree with how they torture the poor animals's just like running over a rabbit on the road. You don't stop driving because it happened; you just keep going and say 'Sorry rabbit'."

Now playing: Porcelain & The Tramps - Sugar Cube
via FoxyTunes


Now although some of the things in that comment are facts and yes I did laugh a bit because hey it me that's what I do, but they were cruel to a certain extent BUT POINT WELL TAKEN. Now simple as this here's my response

I personally love meat... my best friend is a vegetarian(tried vegan loves cheese too much) her explanation is they torture animals but I grew up on an island and with tons of Hispanics that own farms we kill our own and no we don't torture them. They kill what they have to eat, not to be harsh but because we as humans are omnivores, we need meat to survive that our biggest form of protein and nutrition but if you don't like it or won't eat it it's your choice, all your yelling at each other solves nothing! In the end my best friend will continue to eat her salads and what not and you will not stop me from eating my big Mac, or my lechon on Christmas, my turkey and/or ham on thanksgiving or chicken just cause I want to fry some up or eat homemade soup. Judging me and each other won't change the fact that one like this and the other likes that, if a vegetarian can be best friends with me (I eat meat every chance I get... yup even in salad) then why can't you all just except each other. Yes I understand they torture animals; yes I love animals; no I wouldn't want to do that to me; no I wouldn't eat my dog.... that's my baby I've had him since he was born(I may like meat but I'm not heartless no matter what some of you may think); no I wouldn't eat my dad if they killed him like that and served him to me not because of the torture(even though that would suck) but because he is human, my family and once again I like meat yes but I'm NOT A CANNIABAL!!!!

Now playing: Porcelain and the Tramps - Fuck Like a Star
via FoxyTunes

Lions kill and you don't boycott them because it in their nature(circle of life, but meat is important to our diet especially if cooked right.... that's why it's on the pyramid), only thing…. they don't cook em and well harvest them for food, seriously I get your side of the debate, really I do and I agree it's inhumane and honestly if I could change that I would but I won't give up my meat since I was raised by my father who would bring home a freshly killed pig (sry if it's too graphic) for the holidays, and my Tia Tonya asking me to pick out my favorite chicken and making me chicken soup. The torture has to stop yes, but attacking me because I like meat won't help your cause. It will make you look ignorant because you are trying to force your opinion on someone else. This debate it's just a pointless waste of time there's no gain in arguing about it when some kids are so poor they don't even have a leaf to pick for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Some kids in poor countries and some living here for that matter have to dig in the trash for the food that we have the privilege to say NO to food we can say 'no I don't want that' to! Now how does that make us look, how does that make you feel... now you realize how insignificant this fight about why people eat what eat and why they want to eat what they eat really is.... compares to those kids who don't have the choices we do we are what most would call 'Lucky' and 'Blessed'

Now wearing Fur that is for a completely different episode because this is titled To eat/not eat meat.... not to wear/not to wear fur, until next time folks....
Next R.R. - GAY, wrong or right

Now playing: Porcelain and the Tramps - My Leftovers
via FoxyTunes


Mini Bio as to why I started this RR:

Ok so here's thing I, Tiffany Marie yada yada yada have opinions 2 and yes most of them are informed ok well actually the majority are because I hate to look stupid.... so I back everything up with cold hard facts. As Mike would say I have a tendency to randomly become passionate about one cause or another, but hey that's me you either love it or hate it either way I don't give a F*** let me stop there because continuing on that rant would go against my Christian upbringing (NOT!!! never mind lol but I am Christian =]) So here's the thing I'm naturally curious and stubborn. My views are my views you don't have to share them but don't try to change them because I won't

***This episode of Random Ramblings (R.R.) was brought to you by
Tippy: The Crazy Redhead who goes Lu Lu T. Marie =]

Now playing: Veruca Salt - Volcano Girls
via FoxyTunes